Westchester Animal Hospital
2730 SW 87th Ave
Miami, FL 33165
(305) 221-1224

2730 SW 87th Ave
Miami, FL 33165


(305) 221-1224


Westchester Animal Hospital
Injured dog sleeping in bed


Hot Weather Safety

It’s getting hot in here. Most states have laws in place prohibiting pet owners from leaving pets in the car. This is because heat is extremely dangerous and can quickly result in severe health complications. Don’t put your pets at risk take precautions and follow our simple safety guide.


Provide unlimited access to clean water to prevent dehydration.


Elderly, overweight, and certain breeds of dogs and cats are more susceptible to heat stroke. Keep them indoors and in cool air conditioned spaces when possible.


Recognize the signs of heat stress and seek emergency veterinary care if you observe your pet overheating. Signs of overheating include anxiousness, excessive panting, restlessness, excessive drooling, abnormal gum and tongue color, increased heart rate, weakness, and wobbliness. If ignored, more severe symptoms will develop including an elevated body temperature, seizures, vomiting, diarrhea, and collapse.


Don’t force your pet to exercise when it’s too hot wait to take him for walks when it’s cooler.


If you are outdoors or keep your dog outdoors for any period of time, be sure to provide a shaded area for him to escape the sun. If there is none available, make one.


DO NOT leave your pets in the car or they can die from heat stroke very quickly.


Don’t assume that all animals can swim. If you have a pool, supervise your pets or place a gate around your pool to keep them from falling into the pool. If you are enjoying a swim, put a flotation device on your pet so he can join you safely.


If your pet has been in the pool or the ocean, rinse the chlorine and the salt from your pet’s coat. Also, do not let your dog swallow too much water as both salt and chlorine can be toxic to pets.


Trim your pet’s long hair to keep him cool. Do not shave your pet. Your pet’s fur is meant to protect him from both extreme heat and extreme cold.


Asphalt gets very hot and can burn your pet’s paw pads. Use booties or avoid having him stand on the ground when it’s hot.


Check your pets for heartworm and other warm weather parasites if you plan on spending time outdoors with your pooch.

Written by Westchester Animal Hospital

Dr. Joanne Medina is the owner and lead veterinarian at Westchester Animal Hospital.

November 3, 2020

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